
Discover my diverse and creative projects in storytelling and performance


Daffodils is a dance performance that shares the story of a soul struggling with trauma, trapped in a body that can’t seem to rest. Through the lens of insomnia, we explore the journey of this being.
We have inherited a collective unconscious filled with despair and fear. We find ourselves caught in a vicious cycle, feeling stuck in a society that we struggle to survive in. We often feel unsafe, even within the confines of our own homes and our own skin. Through dance, we see how trauma can affect a person’s emotions and body
The performance explores the theme of trauma that can be physically held within our bodies fueled by anxiety and fear.
What keeps us up at night? How can we feel safe and at home in our own bodies again and find refuge from our fears? And if we are fortunate enough to fall asleep, what compels us to rise each morning, and face the new day?


Contact me to discuss your creative vision. Let’s bring your dream production or performance to life!